Very much so. The original parent club of the Devil’s Den was started as a safe place for couples. to enable them to fulfill their fantasies involving additional partners. Couples, Swingers and single woman still represent a significant and valued part of our clientele.
Devils Den Escorts Pattaya take the same precautions that any health professional who comes into frequent physical contact with other individuals would take.
All surface coverings are changed between clients, with aggressive washing with disinfecting with soaps and cleaning agents.
We consider contact with our ladies to be as safe as contact with any careful health professional can be.
All the Escorts have medical records and are tested monthly for HIV and tested bi-weekly for STDs. A scanned copy of the HIV records are shown on this website whilst the hard-copies of all tests are available for inspection on request.
In our opinion, no. There is little hunger in Thailand and a good government funded medical system. Simple work is easy to come by and food costs are relatively low.
Few women are ever under any form of duress when it comes to Escort work in Thailand. It is simply one of the better paying options out of many that are available. Our escorts genuinely enjoy their vocation and their reviews reflect an enthusiasm that cannot be faked.
Most people only do it for a few years. Then they can utilize their savings to open their own bar or apparel business.
We are proud of Escorts who have used our facility as a steppingstone. Some to university others to begin a small business.
The Devil’s Den accepts most major credit cards. Billing is discreet and your statement will reflect a meal at a local restaurant.
You must be 18 years of age or over to enjoy escorts from the Devil’s Den.
We welcome well mannered, educated gentlemen of all races, colors and creeds. Anyone who treats our ladies with courtesy and respect is our guest.
Anyone – regardless of where they are from, who behaves otherwise will be asked to leave.
We would be happy to offer advice. Simply make a note in your booking request with what your needs. We will attempt to point you towards suitable firms/establishments.
Unfortunately not. The laws in Thailand are quite inflexible on this subject. In the past, clients have created difficult situations by using our Pattaya escort’s pictures on the Internet.
Regrettably, no. Our price reflects the additional procedures and regular checks we take to ensure the health of our escorts. Thus your safety as well, as the much higher expertise and professionalism they demonstrate compared to their local counterparts.